Asset- and Workshop-Management


What you up first in our Asset- and Workshop-Management projects, where we come from, most of the times. It works, but analog. So we can start by setting the scope, set the time frame, get what performing well and get can be done mor efficient. Define the digitized process with for example electronical checklists, task list for workers, etc.

We have neither a ready-made recipe nor fixed development paths for the tendering of a digitization project. Rather, we have a large “recipe book” available with many experiences and adjustments. The basis of digital change are the business processes, taking into account your own corporate culture and special features of a project. We design the project with you and support you in digitization. We create modern tender documents from practice for practice. From process-based and/or technical service descriptions, project management tailored to the project to implementation and training.

We use our process profile to get started.

Not to forget an actual information security-compliant requirements for a maintenance and support contract.

We support you with the introduction, quality assurance and optimization with the use of process-oriented concepts and solutions.

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