From the idea to successful operation

Steps to provide a solution

In the past 25 years we are in the business of providing practical oriented “Life Cycle Assessment Consulting” concept for digitization and change-management, mainly in the public transport business. We cover business processes and their use cases for buses in Germany, Europe and the United States. But we expand with customers in other business areas for service management in all kinds of different maintenance in the production area.

Starting in June 1997 as a freelancer, as building up the German VisIT Consulting as an GmbH takes time. We later in the autumn we finished the setup of the company. In June 2002 we split up the business lines and today we continue to serve our customer all over the world for more than 20 years.

We use a VisIT Consulting “Life Cycle Assessment Consulting” concept. Someone called it the functional version of the “Cradle-to-grave” concept, where we establish technology transfer to a digitized usage. We work together to propose the idea from the needs, manage the entire process to get a solution pushing the innovation forward.

Our main business covers setting up Service and Asset- and Workshop processes for public transport for all kind of rail vehicles and busses and and their implementation of software solution, depot management and the integration of ERP systems or SAP using process-oriented RFPs.

All our consultants worked on several sides of the business. On the customer side, the software provider and the consulting. We understand all sides if the business. We will find a solution that works fine.

So since over 25 years, VisIT Consulting has successfully been developing practice-oriented concepts for digitization and change management, especially in Service Management and local public transport (local public transport and SPNV). We are working in Germany, Europe and the Unites States, but increasingly also for customers from other industries. Our areas of focus include operations management, depot management, ISMS, data center planning, IT operating concepts, the integration of ERP systems as well as modernization and digitization using process-oriented tenders.

We accompany you reliably and with commitment – from the evaluation of your needs to the detailed planning and calculation to the training of your employees.

The demand on us is to find a sustainable solution in the value chain for our customers, to define the strategy for implementation and to implement all this with the customer, his employees and our project team.

Our team and our partners have successfully completed a number of small and as well as some long-term projects. Projects with more than four years from the idea to the time when our customer uses the solution successfully.

It’s part of it for us, because it’s easier said than done. Everyone involved in the project must implement the task in a structured, transparent, agile and sustainable manner. It requires the will of everyone to make changes, both small and large. It needs support from management.

This is what we stand for with our support and expertise.

We integrate our internal expertise, our “external” competence and our expertise in the implementation of the projects for the benefit of all those involved and affected. VisIT Consulting has the claim to pass on their knowledge and to make us “superfluous” for this project upon completion.

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