Gathering requirements for process-oriented tender

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For the tender of a digitization project, we neither have a complete ready-made recipe nor do we have a ready-made scheme nor fixed development paths for the digital transformation. But we use our experience into the project. Also, we do not come with a blank page, nor do we work with copy and paste and only exchange names.

Rather, we have a large “toolbox” with many techniques and customization options available from our many years of experience. The basis of the digital transformation are the goals of the company, the business process taking into account one’s own corporate culture and the special features of a project. We design the project with you and support you in digitization.

We prepare modern tender documents from practice for practice. From process-based and/or technical service descriptions, structured project management to implementation and training. Personal data security and IT security-compliant requirements for a maintenance and support contract must also be taken into account. In short: We support you in the introduction, quality assurance and optimization with the use of process-oriented concepts and solutions.

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